Sports Massage
Massage Therapy for Sports Recovery. Manual therapy, or manipulative therapy, is a physical treatment primarily used by physical therapists to treat musculoskeletal pain and disability.
It includes kneading and manipulation of muscles and joint manipulation. Sports Massage helps improve mobility, increase performance, recover muscle mass from fatigue, reduce pain, and inflammation.
What are the benefits of Sports Massage Therapy?
Increased muscle blood flow.
Raised muscle temperature.
Increased lymph flow and the removal of toxins from the muscles.
Break down of adhesions and scar tissue which builds up over time causing tension.
Relieves muscular pain.
According to Very Well Health "Sports massage therapy may offer benefits to athletes, from elite-level performers to people who enjoy recreational exercise. A sports massage therapist can assist with training, rehabilitation, and pre-or post-performance goals.
Sports massage techniques vary depending on the purpose, but they can improve the overall range of motion and flexibility. They also may be used to decrease muscle pain after workouts, although research studies continue in order to demonstrate some of the proven benefits.
This article explains what sports massage is for, and the various styles of massage that may offer benefits. It also offers information about how to find a sports massage therapist near you.